Have you ever been distracted?
I know I've been. It is a common issue. In fact, it affects me probably more than most people. So it is a battle I fight constantly. It's a common
component of our culture today.
We have almost an infinite
appetite for distractions. What we are becoming today is a trivial
almost infinite appetite for distractions
We value items that have no real meaning and give our highest regard and honor to the trivial, meaningless. What we love is ruining us.
Take a look at what happened to a king in the bible. This king in the bible named Hezekiah was faced with a serious situation. Let's look at how he handled his situation and see an example for us to notice and follow.
Isaiah 38:1, 2 says, "In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live. Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the Lord."
Do you see what happened there?
This wasn't a time to be angry, panic or complain. This wasn't a time to get on social media and start venting. Let me be clear: the problem isn’t posting or social media. The problem is the distraction that it
brings with perpetual entertainment. This sort of entertainment has become a
defining component of our culture today. It's creating dormant humanity. Preoccupied by the next social post rather than seeking a real meaning.
Let’s be clear: the problem isn’t movies or music.
Let’s be clear: the problem isn’t movies or music.
Let’s be clear: the problem isn’t movies or music.
Let’s be clear: the problem isn’t movies or music.
Let’s be clear:
Let’s be clear:
Let’s be cleapositing is not necessarily bad but it does not address the real issue it will only add distractions to the issue.
Think how desperate his situation is. He's sick to death. He has been told that he is going to die. Would it take a life and death situation for you to get serious and leave your distractions?
How would you have reacted?
To turn your face to the wall means to turn away from everything else until all you see is God. It means turning away from everything and everyone that may be distracting you from seeking God. When you diligently seek Him, He is obligated to respond to you. James 4:8
There are a few reasons (*WHY*) people don't experience the God kind of results when they are in pressure situations.
1. The first is that they don't look toward God alone.
Hezekiah went to prayer immediately. He directed his prayer in privacy to God.
We turn to people for guidance rather than the praying. While people may help you feel better when you are going through a tough time, they don't have the answers to all your problem; only God does. There's nothing wrong in having their support but it should only supplement. It shouldn't be primary.
Even when you get tired and you think it may be hopeless, take the time to pray. Look at what happened in Judges 8:4
Gideon and the 300 men came to the Jordan and crossed it.
They were exhausted but still in pursuit.
This was a hopeless situation. They were wiped out from being exhausted. Having nothing in left in them but they stayed at it. If you're are in pursuit, you keep at it even when you think you feel exhausted.
2.Their prayers aren't intense enough.
James 5:16 AMPJames 5:16 says that effectual, fervent prayer is what get results.
Fervent prayer is prayer that applies intense exertion or ardent zeal. You can't just quote the scriptures a couple times a month and expect to get a breakthrough. You've got to get violent with your faith! That means that you apply the Word of God to your situation with intensity and consistency until you see results.
Take note about what it also says about praying.. The scripture says
5:16 AMP
We are in need of one another more than you think. When we are not in alignment relationally with one another our own walk with God is hindered. If you want to pray heartfelt prayers make sure you have confessed your wrongs to one another.
Get it right with your brother/sister/family/co-worker etc. before you can have true praying power.
3. Maintain a willing heart toward God.

We always pay dearly for chasing after what is cheap.
Don't jump for whatever may be quick because in the end, it shows up as being cheap.
Are you ready for
your heart and mind to be active, engaged about life and real
meaning. Or will you stay addicted to the feeling of being
“entertained” with the trivial? The decision is yours.
Excellent post!
Thank you Sarah. You're such an inspiration! Love your writing so much!
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